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We are working with Villageworks in Cambodia to import and distribute artisan made clothing and bags of the very highest quality.


Our Values

As a Social Business we adhere to the 10 WFTO Fair Trade Principles and the Charter of Fair Trade. Both these documents are written into our constitution and are core to our business practice.


We are a Guaranteed Importer Member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) – our registration number is ID757.

We are no longer registered with the Fairtrade Foundation although we do support the FAIRTRADE Mark – especially when it is used by Fair Trade Organisations

The golden mzuzu coffee

Fair Trade Scotland's venture with Mzuzu Coffee Planters Cooperative Union to bring to the UK, their single origin, roast and ground coffee, packaged in Malawi.

Want to know more about World Fair Trade Organisation and how to get involved?

A message from Bernard Kaunda, CEO of Mzuzu Coffee Planters Co-operative Union to the Scottish Supporters of the ‘finished coffee product’ and the non-compliance issue.

Our values

WFTO Principles & Charter of Fair Trade

As a Social Business we adhere to the 10 WFTO Fair Trade Principles and the Charter of Fair Trade. Both these documents are written into our constitution and are core to our business practice.

Start now

the new Guarantee System

We believe that the new Guarantee System devised by WFTO is crucial in ensuring there is total transparency in the supply chain

World Fair Trade Organisation

WFTO is the home of fair traders: producers, marketers, exporters, importers, wholesalers and retailers that demonstrate 100% commitment to Fair Trade

Mzuzu Coffee

Fair Trade Innovator

So what is Innovative about the partnership between Villageworks and Fair Trade Scotland?

ABout US

Fair Trade Scotland is pleased to announce that they are now Guarantee System Member 174 of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO).

A WFTO fully open, honest and transparent Fair Trade Guaranteed supply chain

First 500 - Mzuzu Golden Coffee

We are offering 500 Social Innovators a ‘special package’ to join us on this exciting journey to support Mzuzu Coffee farmers in Malawi, through trade not aid.

now closed

Get Involved

Being a part of the FIRST 500 will mean so much to the coffee farmers in Malawi as they will be in control of the whole production chain – maximising their profit. This means all Mzuzu coffee farmers, both men and women, will see a brighter future.